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Monthly Insight

Shifting Importance February 2018
Eventually this bull market will break its long winning streak but that does not mean you should be abandoning everything and running for the hills. What it does mean is that you should consider shifting your portfolio's emphasis. Not all stocks react equally during good and bad times so the...
Two Sides Of January January 2018
Most investors have heard of the January Effect which is the observation that January has historically been one of the best months to be invested in stocks. However there is another January Effect which states that, “as goes January, so goes the year”. While January has produced positive performance 66%...
Vanished – Canadian Stock Volatility December 2017
Investors had taken most of the summer off as the S&P/TSX stock index drifted aimlessly, trading between 15,500 in May and 15,000 at the end of August, but since then it has undergone a steep 7.5% increase. Of course for those investors who closely follow the market, it seemed to...
Range Bound No More November 2017
After every major bull market, stocks typically become range bound and experience a sideways pattern with many optimistic and pessimistic periods before exiting 15 to 30 years later at about where it began. This has occurred in the U.S. five distinct times since 1870: 1870 to 1900 (lasting 30 years);...
Retirement Income On Steroids October 2017
Short term interest rates are near 60 year lows which makes it hard for fixed income investors to earn a decent income. Couple this with the fact that the average investor has an aversion to investing in long term bonds because of the belief that higher interest rates are on...
Crises Are Buying Opportunities September 2017
While it is sad to say, there is always some sort of crisis cropping up around the world and more often than not they can lead to fear as investors become overly pessimistic. Such crises inevitably lead to panic selling and selling into a panic is always a bad idea....
Stocks Rally After Rate Hikes August 2017
The Bank of Canada (BOC) has just implemented its first interest rate hike since 2010 which means a lot of investors are grabbing their crystal balls trying to forecast the future course of the stock market. Historically there has been a strong inverse relationship between interest rates and stock prices....
Commodities Bottom Out July 2017
Typically, commodity prices go through longer bear market cycles compared to bull market cycles while the opposite is usually true for stock prices. While Canadian equity markets are slightly off the record highs set in February 2017, commodities, relatively speaking, are dirt cheap. In fact, they are basically the cheapest...
Don’t Sell In May; Settle In June 2017
Stock investors often hear about “sell in May and go away” around this time of year. It implies that investors should sell their stocks in early May and buy them back in late October at a lower price. Since 1968 the S&P/TSX Index has risen an average of 8.0% (including...
Finding Income May 2017
It is very difficult for clients to earn a steady income these days while short-term interest rates hover near 60 year lows. Couple this with the fact that the average client has an aversion to investing in long term bonds because of the belief that higher interest rates are on the...

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