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Not Quite a Typical Bull Market Yet
May 2023
Many investors are not optimistic for the future prospects of stocks. Of course, the same thing was being said of the markets in early 2009 when the world was thought to be on the edge of financial ruin. The reality was that buying equities in the early part of 2009 may turn out to have been one of the best times to buy in a lifetime. While the current conditions will not likely turn out to be such a smashing windfall they do not warrant the slings and barbs hurled in their direction. Unless financial Armageddon lurks around the corner the recent growth in prices looks sustainable.

The recovery from the last bear market, which stretched from March 29, 2022 to October 12, 2022, when the S&P/TSX fell 17.6% (all figures shown exclude the impact of dividends), has been below average when compared to other rebounds over the last 55 years. The chart to the right shows the historic range of the 12 month performance for the S&P/TSX after the market has hit a bottom. The maroon line is the average return for the last 12 recoveries since 1968. The blue line is the current market recovery which is entering its sixth month and has originally closely tracked the historic upturns, before stalling out over the past few months. The data to the left shows how each of the recoveries has fared over the first 100 trading days since the market low. The average recovery after the last 12 bear markets has averaged 25.9% at the 100 day mark, versus 11.8% during the current rebound.
The current bull market has been slightly weaker than past initial recoveries which perhaps reinforces the notion that it is hard to find many investors who love this bull market. However, in general new bull markets have a knack of keeping investors on the sidelines. In theory it seems easy to climb onboard when prices are cheap yet the reality of having the discipline to step into a new bull market is every bit as difficult as avoiding the devastation of a bear market. Memories of 2008 are still painfully fresh for most investors despite the fact that the last 15 years have generated strong and consistent returns. Back then, fears were rampant and investors were on the verge of panic. A big problem is that a bull market normally moves higher ahead of declining fears. By the time an investor feels that a bear market bottom is in place, the market has already rallied too far for the investor to feel comfortable stepping in. The old fear is replaced by a new fear of buying into a bear market rally. Consequently, many investors find themselves doing nothing as the market moves progressively higher.
Nobody loves this bull market because memories of prior bull markets have long since faded and the media’s short term focus does not help the average person’s short term memory. Faith in common stocks was rarely lower than it was on March 9, 2009, as investors stared into the abyss and considered a replay of the Great Depression of the 1930s. Those disconcerting thoughts do not come around often but they do play havoc with investor emotions and their ability to see clearly.
Many investors disdain this rally because so many bailed out in 2008 and jumped ship again during the onset of COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 thinking the boom was over. They believed the talking heads’ hyper-negativity on the economy and continue to believe the doomsayers’ claims that this is nothing more than a bear market rally. As the market rallies, discouraged investors trapped on the sidelines seek out kindred investors and experts that agree with them which may make them feel better but does nothing for their portfolio.
Investors do not love this market despite the gains for the S&P/TSX Index since the October 12, 2022 bottom to April 28, 2023 of 13.3%. What separates seasoned investors from the masses is discipline and the ability to invest without allowing emotion to override judgment. From a long term perspective, this could be a very solid bull market if we just forget all the so-called reasons for not loving it.

This report may contain forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are not guarantees of future performance as actual events and results could differ materially from those expressed or implied. The information in this publication does not constitute investment advice by Provisus Wealth Management Limited and is provided for informational purposes only and therefore is not an offer to buy or sell securities. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. While every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of the numbers and data presented, Provisus Wealth Management does not warrant the accuracy of the data in this publication. This publication is for informational purposes only.
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